Yes, kegs can go bad once they are tapped. Once the keg is opened and exposed to air, the beer inside can start to oxidize and lose its freshness. This can lead to off-flavors and an unpleasant drinking experience.
While it is technically possible to tap a keg twice, it is not recommended unless its within a certain time frame and the keg has been stored correctly inbetween tapping. Once a keg has been opened, it is exposed to air and the beer can start to go stale. Additionally, the tap can introduce bacteria into the keg, which can contaminate the beer.
A keg can last for several weeks once it has been opened, depending on how it is stored. If the keg is kept cold and sealed with a tap that has a CO2 regulator, it can last for up to six weeks. However, if the keg is stored at room temperature or is not sealed properly, the beer inside can go bad in just a few days.
One way to tell if a keg has been tapped is to check for signs of leakage around the tap connection. If there is beer or foam coming out around the tap, it is likely that the keg has been opened. Additionally, if the beer coming out of the tap tastes stale or off, this can also be a sign that the keg has been tapped for too long.
Beer tastes better out of a keg because it is stored under pressure and is carbonated with CO2. This gives the beer a smooth, creamy texture and a crisp, refreshing taste. Additionally, kegs are usually kept at a consistent temperature, which helps to preserve the beer's freshness and flavor.
While beer from a keg can taste better than beer from a bottle or can, it is not always the case. The taste of the beer can depend on a number of factors, such as the quality of the beer, the temperature at which it is served, and the type of tap used to dispense it. Some people prefer the taste of beer from a keg, while others prefer it from a bottle or can.
Yes, kegs need to be kept cold in order to maintain their freshness and flavor. Beer that is stored at room temperature can go stale and develop off-flavors if tapped. Tapped kegs should be stored in a cool place, such as a refrigerator or a walk-in cooler, and should be kept at a consistent temperature between 36-38°F. Additionally, the tap and the lines should be kept clean to prevent contamination and off-flavors.