Adnams Mosaic Cask
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Real Ale

Adnams Mosaic Cask

ABV - 4.1%

A showcase for an exciting American hop by the same name

£ 185.00 GBP
£ 0.00 GBP
All prices include VAT. Prices may differ from the website on quote sent depending on the wholesale market at the time. All quotes sent are valid for 14 days.
  • Usually ready in 2-4 days

  • Pickup available on request

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product information

Mosaic Pale Ale

A showcase for an exciting American hop by the same name; and just like its name suggests, there is a complexity and a vibrancy to its profile. It provides a real mosaic of fruity and floral characteristics, that quickly made it a favourite in the brewing world. We’ve used a base of light malts to really lets those bold hop flavours and aromas shine, enabling you to discover something different with every sip.

  • Volume 9 Gallons (72 Pints)
  • ABV - 4.1%
  • Origin - UK
  • Brewer - Adnams
  • Vegan
  • Cask


5-7 Days if stored at 12c or below

All prices include VAT

We do not use couriers unless otherwise stated. All deliveries are made by experience trained technicians.

The below are guide prices for delivery, for more information about how we calculate delivery and how we deliver please visit our Info Centre

Standard Delivery Route 8am - 6pm Monday to Friday

  1. Delivery only, from £72inc VAT
  2. Delivery, setup & installation from £90inc VAT
  3. Delivery, setup & installation, collection from £108inc VAT

Standard delivery is based on level access up to 75m from unloading point (lifts allowed), up to 4 kegs. This includes bars and equipment. Any additional kegs and or awkard access will be subject to an additional pre agreed charge unless help onsite can be provided.

Extras & Out Of Hours Deliveries

  1. Timed delivery/collection slot? £78inc VAT each
  2. Weekend or out of hours delivery/collection? £132 inc VAT each includes timed slot
  3. Are you in a central London? Add £27 inc VAT each
  4. Are you in a exhition centre? £54inc VAT each
  5. Do you need an onsite technician for an event? POA

Collection From Depot

  1. Customer Collect & Return – Appointment only from our unmanned premises in Edenbridge TN8 5DJ £25+VAT

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